Life for a believer in Asia

My life  was very typical of a kid who grew up in the church. We would go to church as a family on Sundays.  I would read the Bible and listen to worship music when ever I wanted. There were no restrictions with my faith.

Sometimes, we as westerners take our lives and freedoms for granted. Traveling to another nation is always eye-opening and an amazing way to gain perspective on what life is like for others. The following is a little glimpse into the life of a friend in an Asian nation who is the only believer in her family.



I was always the responsible girl in our family. When I was 14 or 15, I would take care of my two younger brothers and our house. My parents expected me to do what they ask, and I would. They both worked hard away from home, so they relied on me to help.


When I started going to church, my family did not understand. You see, I grew up in a home where my parents were following hinduism and buddhism. My grandfather was a shaman and was who people would go to for healing. My two younger brothers and mom are very superstitious people.  Life in my family was not easy when I said yes to Jesus.

I began going to church because my best friend went and I was curious. One particular day at church, I felt sick with a fever and cough. I sat down and began praying. “God, if you are real, and the true God, then heal me!” After saying that prayer, I felt so much peace and joy. This is when I began my journey of finding out who Jesus is.


The day Jesus healed me from a simple cold and I started following him, my family basically hated me. My decision to volunteer with a youth center to help out young people in my country, also upset my family. They would tell me I was being selfish and not being responsible for my family. My mom told me she questioned why she even gave birth to someone like me.

These conversation with my family made me really question why I decided to believe in Jesus. Even with this, I kept my faith and eyes on Jesus.

It has now been 3 or 4 years that I have followed Jesus. I just got baptized a year ago! My family is finally seeing that I am doing good in several areas, including helping provide for them as much as I can.

In our culture, family and moms are more important than anything, and definitely more important than going to church. My mom would not allow me to attend church regularly for a long time. But, recently, My mom and dad have agreed that I can attend church services! They still question why I go, but I am so thankful to have permission to go!


In our culture, the only time people actually could be full of joy and celebrate was during specific festivals. When I started following Jesus, I realized I could have joy every day and I don’t have to wait for a festival! Now I pray for wisdom to talk with my family about what I believe. I want them to know the peace and joy that I have found through my relationship with Jesus.

God has changed my life by helping me be vulnerable with others. Before believing in Jesus, I was a very private person and would not even tell my family what was going on in my life. Now, I feel I am an open book. I have more integrity and compassion and I do my best to act and talk the way Jesus wants me to.

The best part of walking with Jesus is everything! I have an amazing best friend who is a believer. We are able to pray for each other and encourage each other. There are also believers at the youth center where I work, so God has surrounded me with people who love him. I am excited to continue my work with the youth in my country. I feel Jesus’ presence when I am there with the youth. My hope is that Jesus can use me to encourage them and be a listening ear for them.